Not all cements are created equal, and the results speak for themselves
Our history of passion for perfection has led to the creation of a universe of superior products developed by the people who truly understand the requirements and possibilities in terms of beautiful water reflection and long-lasting quality.
The unmatched strength, stability and workability of this patented pozzolan blended cement made Universal White Cement® a leader in creating both residential and commercial pool interiors as well as precast and architectural cement products.
Universal White Cement® was built by craftsmen who continually searched for ways to improve the aesthetics and durability of swimming pool finishes.

Our Summer Cement
Our Summer Cement
Our Summer Blend is an installer favorite and a perfect solution for the hot summer season with a blend of pozzolans for increased workability as well as durability. The pozzolans also slow the set time, giving an additional 15 to 20 minutes of work time before the cement sets, allowing for improved quality during the hot summer.

Our Winter Cement
Our Winter Cement
Our Winter Blend uses less pozzolans than the summer cement for a quick set time in colder temperatures, yet it exhibits many of the positive qualities of our Summer Blend.

Our P3 Cement
Our P3 Cement
Our P3 Cement functions more like standard industry white cements, having only 1 pozzolan to help with pumping and adding body to the cement. This works well for those that use any of our Plaster Matrix, Pebble Matrix or Craze Guard additives or already have an additive that your crew likes.
The pozzolans help hold the pebble in place during the exposure process. They reduce ASR and improve the surface’s resistance to chemical attack from aggressive water chemistry.
The unique blend of pozzolans in the Universal White Cement® reacts with the calcium hydroxide and turns it into a fibrous cluster-like network, forming a dense cement matrix. Only Universal White Cement™ will give you this reliable combination.
We use Calcined Metakaolin and four types of pozzolans in our mix design. These include polymers such as Acti-Plex. The clay is heat-treated to the highest temperatures and ground to a fine powder to increase workability and compressive strength.